neljapäev, 1. juuli 2010

Job interview

3 p.m: Job interview. Sharp.
2:55 I´m in traffic jam. Don´t panic, I can still make it.
3:02 I´m on the wrong side of a one way street.
3:04 I park my car, run and find the building. Wrong side of the building and wrong entrance.
3:06 I´m running up from stairs and remember, I forgot to pay for the car parking.
3:07 Phone rings: company asks if I´m still coming to the interview.
3:10 I arrive to the office. I mess up the company managers´ name, although I checked it twice before I left for the interview. There goes my first impression.
3:30 My throat is extremely dry because of dancing in the sun the whole morning and I mess up some words.
4:40 I sit back to my car, relaxed and happy, turn my face to the mirror and find a huge spot of make up cream in the middle of my nose.
Despite of everything: will I get the job?

2 kommentaari:

Looora ütles ...
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Looora ütles ...

Mõtlesin, et parandan trükivead ka ära:)

lohustuseks võib öelda, et meil töötas üks inimene, kelle esmamulje oli märkimisväärne, kuid hiljem töökohal ta inimestega suhelda ei osanud (olles ise müügimees!!) ja töö jättis tegemata ja süü veeretas teiste kaela. Seega, anything is possible ja kui Sa muus osas väga hea mulje jätsid, siis miks mitte! Fingers crossed..